(県南)仙北市 田沢地域/Tazawa Area, Semboku City

令和2年10月24日 / October 24th,2020.


In October, Nagaimo (Chinese yam) was harvested in the Tazawa area of Semboku City.


Blessed with a deep layer of sandy soil, this area has been producing a brand, “Tazawa Nagaimo” (Akita’s traditional vegetable), for a few decades. Today, 25 families are growing the nagaimo in a 2-hectare field.


While machines are commonly used for digging, instead they carefully dug out the yams by hand in a familiar manner. Students from Akita Prefectural University and researchers of Akita Research Institute of Food and Brewing also joined in the work, where it was done in a friendly atmosphere. The harvested yams will be dried indoors to bring out its richness and viscosity.





【上田沢地域】仙北市田沢湖田沢 令和2年度認定

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