(県北)大館市 比内町独鈷(とっこ)地域
Tokko Area, Hinai Town, Odate City

平成30年6月18日 /June 18th, 2018.


A group of 15 third graders from Higashidate Elementary School planted “Odate Tomburi,” one of Akita’s traditional vegetables known as “Field Caviar.” [The seeds are used to garnish food in Japan.] Odate City is said to be the only place in Japan where tomburi has been continuously produced and shipped to the market.


The seeds were sown a month before. On this day, Mr. Hitoshi Homma, a local farmer, showed the pupils how to plant the 30cm seedlings straight in line. The harvested crop will be available on sale at “Odate Kiritampo Festival” and served in school lunch from this year.





取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己