(県南)仙北市上桧木内地域/Kamihinokinai in Semboku city

平成30年2月10日撮影/February 10th,2018

2月10日、仙北市西木町上桧木内の紙風船広場で、仙北市指定無形民俗文化財の「紙風船上げ」が行われました。 当日は、朝から雨模様で、高さ8m以上もある紙風船は濡れると重くなり、破れることもあるため、会場では風船を固定しガスバーナーで膨らましていました。

The Semboku city designated intangible folk cultural asset “Kami Fusen (paper balloon) launching” was held in the Kamifusen Park in Kamihinokinai, Nishiki area in Senboku city. The “Kami Fusen” would not be able to launch if the weather is not stable. The Kami Fusen can be very heavy as it is normally longer than 8m. This time, the staff used the gas banner to blow up the Kami Fusen.


Even though the weather changed from a sleet storm to snow during the event, a few Kami Fusen was successfully launched to the night sky. The Kami Fusen brought many people’s hope of huge harvest and good health into the sky.