(県北)大館市 大葛地域 / Okuzo Area, Odate City

令和5年8月13日 / August 13th,  2023


On August 13th, a traditional custom called "Kinzandaiko" took place in the Okuzo area of Odate City. During this event, people walked from their graves to each house to memorialize the ancestors. The powerful sound of large beating drums resonated so strongly that it rumbled the ground. Children, who are cherished treasures in the community, also participated in the event.


The group walked towards the old Okuzo Elementary School, where they joined a summer festival that was being held for the first time in 4 years. The festival was organized by the Okuzoseiwakai group and turned out to be a great success.


Familiar faces gathered to enjoy the festivities, indulging in food, drinks, singing, and even lying down to watch the fireworks light up the sky. Everyone enjoyed the dazzling fireworks and the resonating sounds.






※【大葛地域】大館市 比内町 平成30年度認定

取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己