(県北)小坂町 大地地域 / Daiji Area,Kosaka Town

令和3年8月20日 / August 20th, 2021.


The sunflowers in the Daiji area were in the ripening season, and it was the 6th time this year. The sunflower field is managed by a group called “Daiji no Himawari no Kai,” a group with residents of 26 households from the village.
The residents together create compost, remove weeds and harvest the sunflowers, which helps them to conserve the environment of the rural area and the bonds amongst the residents.


Sunflowers can be harvested in late September, dried, and then seeded in November. Seeding is manual labor and takes about 3 days, but they say it’s rather enjoyable despite of hard work. After that, the seeds are pressed and bottled, before the oil is distributed throughout the community.





※【大地地域】鹿角郡小坂町 平成29年度認定

取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己