(県北)能代市 檜山地域 / Hiyama Area in Noshiro City

令和元年6月16日 / June 16th, 2019.


The "Hiyama Tea Hand-rolling Experience" was held at Hiyama Sotokukan in Noshiro City. Instructed by Ms. Keiko Kashiwara, Chairman of Hiyama Tea Preservation Club, 16 participants were divided into two tables prepared for hand-rolling process.



The steamed tea-leaves were rolled into thin cylinders to dry. The participants were told to " do it as if the tea-leaves roll around themselves," but it seemed quite tricky. They cheerfully helped one another and took turns to continue the work. This hand-rolling process requires about 4 hours of uninterrupted work. Each occasionally took a rest. They learned that hand-rolled tea takes a lot of time and effort in the process of making it.




マップは能代市檜山地域センター 檜山崇徳館です。


取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己