(県央)JAわくわく食農教室/JA Wakuwaku Shoku-noh School

平成30年11月2日 / November 2nd,2018

秋田県種苗交換会*1の一環で、飯島南小学校(秋田市)の5、6年生を対象に“わくわく食農教室”が開かれました。 “JA全農あきた”の泉牧子参与が講師を務め、農業に関わることや、食の安全などをクイズ形式で子どもたちに教え、「自分たちの体は土からできた食べ物でできている」と呼びかけました。

In conjunction with the Akita Prefecture Seed Exchange Fair*1, Wakuwaku Shoku-noh School” was held for the 5th and 6th graders of Iijima-minami Elementary School in Akita City.Counselor Ms. Makiko Izumi of “JA Zen-noh*2 Akita” (a prefectural-level federation) was the instructor and taught the students about agriculture and food safety in quizzes. She stressed that our body is made up of food that comes from the soil.”


After that, a professional chef of Japanese cuisine came in to demonstrate how to make ‘dashi,’ a traditional broth made of dried fish and seaweed. Finding out that it was seasoned only with salt, everyone was delighted saying “it’s delicious”.

*1 秋田県種苗交換会…秋田県農業協同組合中央会(=JA秋田中央会)が主催団体となり、秋田県で毎年秋に開催されている農業イベント。
*1 Akita Prefecture Seed Exchange Fair…An agricultural event to be held every autumn in Akita Prefecture.
*2 Zen-noh is short for National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations, which operates its marketing logistics and supply management sectors of JA Group (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives).

取材:情報発信推進員 鐙長秀