(県北)大館市 雪沢地域/Yukisawa in Odate city

平成29年11月26日撮影/November 26th,2017


The 5th “Soba Festival” was held at the Yukisawa Farmer’s Market in the Yukisawa Community of Odate city. At this event, a limited yet savory 300 portions of soba were prepared.


Yukisawa Community is made up of 10 villages. At one of the villages, called Kurosawa village (consisting of 18 homes), each house would provide soba during ceremonial occasions as a tradition. According to the founder of this festival, Mr. Shigeharu Saito, (the photo below) “This tradition has been practiced for over 100 years in this community.”

イベント発起人で、ゆきさわ産直にこにこ友の会会長の斎藤さん。なんと、会員20名全員がそば打ちができるそうです! 「かけそばは太く、ザルそばは細く」とのこだわり。トッピングの比内地鶏が大きく、食べ応えがありました。

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