(県南)横手市 山内地域/Sannai in Yokote city

平成29年9月16日撮影 / September 16th,2017


“Midori kids inquire in Yokote” was held by Midori Net Akita on 16th of September. 29 children and parents in this activity visited a dam, pound and weir to see how our daily life is supported as water is one of the fundamental components to rice and grow vegetables. Furthermore, the participants had chance to listen to what kind of difficulties the staff of the land improvement district face in a process of sustaining the system.


On top of that, they absorbed power from a huge cedar tree which has been living for more than 1000years as one of the Akita prefecture designated natural treasures called Ikada. It was a fulfilling day because the participants ate “Sannai-imonoko-soup” as for their lunch and did grape picking afterwards.


取材:情報発信推進員 中村章