(県央)男鹿市 北浦 安全寺地域/Kitaura-Anzenji in Oga city

平成29年6月4日撮影/June 4,2017


Kitaura-Anzenji area in Oga city has Shinzan which is linked with “Namahage” and also a river which flows into the Japan Sea. Your heart will be softened by seeing the most beautiful landscape of rice terraces in Akita from the Namahage Big Bridge.


The rice made by beautiful snowmelt water is very popular not only because of how delicious it is, but also because it is packaged in bags with designs made by university students.Unfortunately, this year's rice planting was rainy, but my heart and body warmed up with the soup made by local mothers.



取材:情報発信推進員 鐙長秀